by Mark Watson
You have been hearing it for some time. The Republicans taste the blood in the water. The chum that is the democratic agenda tastes so good to them. They get to have their war back, they get to kill Iranians, they get to kill more pakistanis, more iraqis, more palestinians... they get to keep killing and killing and killing...
And back home they get to keep spying and spying and spying. From Backskatter vans, to the already accomplished Patriot Act, to Real ID, to the Arizona Wall.
They will fight not to defeat government healthcare- just tweak it to their advantage.
But Obama will not be in charge. They will have their pound of flesh, their "read my lips, no new taxes", their one-term democrat.
Don't fall for it.
But if we don't vote Republican, Obama will win re-election. I think they said the same about McCain- 4 more years of Bush- and the Democrats said, But if we don't vote, McCain will be Bush's third term.
The Tea Parties will save us. Give me a break. Kochtapussies.
Palin will take her lumps. She is fine as long as she stumps for Republicans, but they will never let her stand for a movement against the GOP. No, The Tea Party, is nothing more than a venting, a GOP bloodletting, to make republicans feel like they have a voice.
Stop playing by the rules.
If voting changed anything, it would be outlawed.
Stay home on election day. Wear an "I did not vote" sticker on your shirt.
Opt-out. After that, opt-out of other things the government expects of you- taxes for example.
It is time to Go Galt. It is time to stop participating in the matrix, the system.
This is the time to unplug. Rip the cord out of the wall. Turn off the media blowhards.
If you are in the service, go awol, if you are being courted, object. Do not fight undeclared wars. If it is so important, let the generals draw their own blood on the field.
It is time.
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