If you are a liberal, We the People means to you, anyone who was born or "naturalized", or who comes across the southern border to vote democrat or have an anchor baby in the United States after the civil war, who has a birth certificate which may be changed if you decide your birth sex no longer represents how you feel at the moment. You have a social security number, a drivers license, live off welfare, section 8 housing, and medicare, or you feel guilty if you do not, pay taxes except when you form a non-profit, and support the many undeclared wars of the United States of America since the 19th century. You might be an emergent christian, or a homosexual bent on leading a traditional church denomination and taking its tithe money, or you might be an atheist who believes in evolution, or you might believe in the tree outside your house. Either way, you believe in the division of church and state except when your democrat candidates need to get votes from their democrat churches. Killing children wether for abortion, or for war is not a problem for you.
Now for the truth....
We The People were the people who met in secret, to form a union, that was tried and failed more than once since the Articles of Confederation. According to those in the secret meeting, We The People meant the entire world. Why? Because to that point- NO ONE WAS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES- this was a place all could come and escape tyranny. If they could break free of the bonds that enslaved them, and if they could make it across the ocean, they would be freely accepted and could have liberty. The union was established to defend the liberty of the people who made that trip, from those who had previously enslaved them. At no time, has We The People ever meant only those who are citizens. A Citizen of the United States of America is a foreign construct, a post civil war "subject" or "slave" of the Federal Government. As such white slaves should not have more or less freedom than black slaves- instead we would all be equally enslaved to the State, the United State
However, the legitimacy of the Constitution to be the "law of the land" has been determined over the years. It is a dead letter. Even if some claim it a living document they can change- the fact is the only thing left that matters is the idea that the President must leave office after 8 years and might leave after 4. Even that has not always been the case. Spooner was right. It confers no contract with the people who currently reside in North America any more than it confers any opportunity to anyone else in the world, because it is powerless.
Instead we now have a government of, by, and for the corporations. The number of congressmen, senators, supreme court justices, and executives, is held at about 550, or a little over the Fortune 500. Likewise, there are about 210 Multinational corporations in control of the 190 or so in the UN General Assembly.
In most cases, if you have been in office in any political capacity, in service to these corporations, it is considered a promotion to work for them more directly after you leave office and bring your contacts with you. In this way, each government official is a glorified sales person or "lobbyist" to the government, on behalf of that corporation after leaving office.
It is necessary, in order to ever attain freedom again, to take down the offices and the corporations that control them. Shuffling politicians each election, appointed by the corporations, is not changing things very much other than to make things a hell of a lot worse in the case of liberty.
Spooner was right.