There is no such thing as an illegal alien.
This is so simple. Everyone is wrong about "illegal aliens."
When this country was founded, the founders were not born here. When they formed the Constitution, the very phrase "We The People" was meant to connote that just as they came to flee their tyrannical government, England, and others have come to flee their home countries, We The People means anyone who comes here, and lives in any recognized state of the confederacy called The United States of America.
The Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor...
If it is illegal now to come across the border, then it was illegal back then. But we know it was not. It is true that we did not treat the indians fairly, but it cannot be said that they owned all the land of the United States prior to its forming.
If someone comes here, for any reason, they are free. If they do not "naturalize" then they are more free than "american citizens."
But but but...
1. They have anchor babies....
This is one of the latest complaints. The problem is NO ONE should be an American Citizen. Just live here peacefully.
2. They use our hospitals and don't pay
American Citizens also do this... but this is a financial crime and should be handledin civil cases.
3. They use our welfare
Then your problem is with Welfare itself. Oh- you want welfare for yourself but not for others? Right... The General Welfare clause has nothing to do with Welfare State programs. They are all wrong. If you say some should get welfare from the government (namely, you) and others should not (namely, poor mexicans) you argue against your own interests.
4. They don't pay taxes
No one should pay taxes. The IRS and all taxes are a Fraud on the people. There is no such thing as "your fair share." All taxation is theft and extortion.
5. They steal our jobs
What you mean is you want to charge more than the market will bear for the tasks you want to perform. All skills have value that goes down as more people can provide it. Like any skill, specialists who provide the market a need, who are in shorter supply, make more than common labourers who are in large supply. Also, skills that no longer service the market are worth less. Mexicans and others will do the work of common labour and because there are so many common people who can perform this task- even american citizens, the value per hour of these skills is low. Kicking out mexicans will not increase the hourly rate, since common labor skills are already fully depreciated.
6. They are criminals
So are American Citizens. Many people who cannot make ends meet find other ways to earn a living. Some of those are unlawful. But not all unlawful behaviour should be prosecuted. Victimless crimes and no property damage, should not be prosecuted.
7. They are drug users
The United States DEA is the Worlds Largest Drug Dealer. It creates the kingpins, and enables them. Some become world leaders, others blow up buildings in New York.
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